

My blog was a bit silent for the past couple of weeks because of many things. Mostly due to the load that I have at work and after work. (I also try to have a life after work, you know :p) I felt compelled to write something about the late Pope and what he represents for me. At least this I do to pay tribute to him. May he rest in peace. After all, while he was still living, he really had a lot of things in his head. Criticisms here and there, problems of humanity, internal problems with the hierarchy, the faithful, internal politics, etc. etc. All of these beside the fact that his health was really going down. But then, as Jesus was his model, he really tried to be consistent with the Truth despite the evil that wants to bring him down. Even up to his deathbed. So here's to him.

Sonnet 5 - Lolek

Our beloved Pope John Paul II,
The many things you've been to us youth,
your call for us, we cannot but respond,
taught us you did, believe only the Truth,
value life, sanctify the family,
to love without measure 'til the end.
The youth leader you are to us really,
to embrace all cultures and be a friend.
Your devotion to Mary 'xemplary,
your love for humanity, of His time,
your life's works are extraordinary,
someone to imitate, a paradigm.
Thus we exclaim you be proclaimed a saint!
Now, immediately, without constraint!


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