
Climb Every Mountain

Yup. I did accept the invitation of OCMI to join their open climb at Mt. Daguldol last week. It was a blast! See the pictures of Pon and of Joyce. You'll see the tattoo specially made for that weekend trip. Nice.

I guess I miss the thrill of the unknown. Like where is this trail leading me to or how far is it still to my destination. The climb gave me a sense of detachment in life. It made me a re-realization that I'm still in full control of my life but then it is still Him who leads me to my destination.

A mountain trek can be compared to a physical "short time" manifestation of our life's journey. The lead shows the way. If you get ahead of the lead, well, it's your gamble. Just like in life, we can always opt to be so egoistic that we know everything or we would always know where to go until we find out that we got lost, didn't see the track signs, or we find ourselves in deep shit. I myself always have this strong urge to go ahead of the lead because sometimes I'd like to trek faster. Patience is really a virtue. Realizing that it is for my own good and out of respect for the lead of the group, I was able to complete the whole experience without having a scratch. Again, it's different how to practice this in real life.

There are a lot of things that one can learn in a climb. Respect for mother nature, respect for future generations, trust, camaraderie, patience, resourcefulness, prudence, etc. etc. But I'm not here to point this out.

I enjoy mountaineering but I don't know if I'd really be a mountaineer. I'd probably join more climbs especially if there are these beautiful beaches at the foot of the mountain. So guys, keep those invitations coming!

Life is a journey and we must conquer every mountain.


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