

i just shared my experience as a youth with a group of men who like peter and andrew, became followers of jesus. bishops they are, around 30 of them from all over the globe with a whole catholic bishops conference of myanmar.

it was cool, we were like equals, nothing fancy. it was spectacular. then i went to mass with them. mamma mia, just them and a few lay people, 7 of us maybe and im the only young person there. then one of us told me that we should sing songs for them during mass, so i got a guitar and played the tunes. i dont know if we sang it on the right note, but who cares, we are there to be united in christ.

after mass, i was talking with bishop didi. and he was asking me which college was easier to setup, fine arts or architecture, of course, i gave him my "humble" opinion. :-) anyway, it is a fantastic experience being with them. they're like lolos to me.

now something else comes to mind... i wonder why with chess, bishops move in diagonals... better check the net for some enlightenment.


the beach

oh yess... at least two days of beach. better than one, and still better than none. about time i get my beach tan. not the tan from staying out on the site too long. hahaha...

the building renovation is finally taking it's shape. the "deadline" is pretty near. looks good. promising. the headaches are now finally showing good signs of worthiness. a before and after photo would be most appropriate.

it is a sign of things to come.

Das Thema des Jahres ist herrlich! Er ist meines einziges gut.
Subito e con gioia!

ps. i just came back from a concert at megamall. i doubt if i'd deal with such recording studios in the future if they are like this. gaah... and santa claus, the person we've waiting for every christmas? then it should be clausmas nalang. bahh...

tulog nalang ako. the beach is waiting for me tomorrow.



i like it when the moment just comes to you. right mood, the right setting, the right tools.

since i just finished rearranging my room, i had this new room feeling. brand new. more space, more movement, more freedom.

seeing that i have more blank spaces to fill, i started writing on my cabinet door just like a toddler would.

remember how we used to play with hand shadows during power outages? well i did just that but with the aid of my desk lamp.

so armed with my pumping creative juices, a blank piece of canvas (my cabinet door), a mongol no.2 (the one i used for the board exams), and some inspiration, i proceeded with my obra.

then again with some playful clicks with photoshop cs2, here is what i came up with.

shadow series 1
pencil on wood laminate
11 november 2005

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had enough of your family?

have yours replaced now. it comes in very cheap.

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ingenious huh...