

i like it when the moment just comes to you. right mood, the right setting, the right tools.

since i just finished rearranging my room, i had this new room feeling. brand new. more space, more movement, more freedom.

seeing that i have more blank spaces to fill, i started writing on my cabinet door just like a toddler would.

remember how we used to play with hand shadows during power outages? well i did just that but with the aid of my desk lamp.

so armed with my pumping creative juices, a blank piece of canvas (my cabinet door), a mongol no.2 (the one i used for the board exams), and some inspiration, i proceeded with my obra.

then again with some playful clicks with photoshop cs2, here is what i came up with.

shadow series 1
pencil on wood laminate
11 november 2005

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