
the beach

oh yess... at least two days of beach. better than one, and still better than none. about time i get my beach tan. not the tan from staying out on the site too long. hahaha...

the building renovation is finally taking it's shape. the "deadline" is pretty near. looks good. promising. the headaches are now finally showing good signs of worthiness. a before and after photo would be most appropriate.

it is a sign of things to come.

Das Thema des Jahres ist herrlich! Er ist meines einziges gut.
Subito e con gioia!

ps. i just came back from a concert at megamall. i doubt if i'd deal with such recording studios in the future if they are like this. gaah... and santa claus, the person we've waiting for every christmas? then it should be clausmas nalang. bahh...

tulog nalang ako. the beach is waiting for me tomorrow.


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