
five questions

Here's my piece. Thanks Pon for the questions!

Now, for the Official Interview Game Rules:

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying “interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person’s will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

If you don’t have a blog, I can still ask you 5 unique questions in my Comments page, and you can post your answers there.

1. what do you often pray for?

Hmm... Lemme see here, I've got quite a list. And these often come up when I pray.
world peace especially for countries which are at war and where there is political unrest like ours, universal brotherhood, for the sick that I know, for the sick of my friends and relatives, for the dead that I know, for my loved ones that they may have peace of mind and heart, and for myself, that I may always do what God wants me to do. Then I add at the end, for all those who are asking for my prayers that I forgot to mention.

2. what's the best work you've done so far? (design wise)

Design wise, it's in the field of graphic design. It is a video cover that I made. I still find it too cool to be true. Architecturally, nothing concrete yet since I'm currently doing my first project. And it is a renovation so it is quite tricky. But with my design plates during college, Im quite fond of my dreamhouse (under the supervision of Honny, may he rest in peace) and a basilica (surprisingly, under Chico) which concept-wise was materialized in Loppiano, Florence where a new church for Maria Theotokos had just been built. I wasn't part of the design team but my intentions were quite the same. Grande.

3. if you were to head your own firm, what kind of boss do you think you'd make?

If I am to have my firm, definitely I'll have lots of money to put in business so I'll be pretty generous by then. Without being too egoistic, I think I'll be a very cool boss. hahaha... Strict yet fun. I'd try to make sure that working is fun and enjoyable and a holistic experience.

4. what attracts you to a girl?

Attraction has too many layers of meaning so to put it in my context, my answer would be: her soul. Physical attraction would only get me midpoint. Say I'm point A and the woman is point B, she has to have a wonderful soul for me to reach point B, otherwise, it'll only get me to midpoint (that is if I'm the one who's attracted). If attraction is mutual, then the midpoint would be perfect, but that's another question.

5. if you could gain a superpower, what would it be?

That would be the power to make things right.


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