
who needs the rain?

i did. but now, seemingly, I don't need the rain's ambience for me to make a blog post or to write a poem. I found out that I really just need a sufficient amount of inspiration to jump start my internal happiness or excitement, sorrow or guilt.

In the recent past, I have again been meeting with friends, making real communication and spending quality time with them. it is a good thing that Dubai is full of places to make a nice walk or talk perfect.

I went to Creek Park, this time in the night and stayed very much near the creek itself.

I've never felt that much peace here in Dubai. The landscape, the night lights, the skyline, the reflection on the water, the water itself, the boats that traverse the creek, the sound of the water, the song of the birds and the sound of me munching my Iftar meal, everything is just perfect. My soul was overflowing with so much joy and certain memories start to flood back to my consciousness... that one alongside river Danube in Vienna... shit!shit!shit!*... why do I always have to experience these alone?!.

So far, for almost 3 years now, I have been making a mental list of really lovely places to go, and creek park is the most recent stop. The list is not yet in print and I really must put them down on paper before I start forgetting them. I hope to share these serendipities to you too, whoever you are taking time to read this blog.

anyway, im moving to far from the rain. the weather now is really nice as the wind has a gentle cool breeze in it. the sky is as clear as in a photoshop gradient and the fog can be seen in the morning. i still have to experience a rainy day here in dubai and I hope it is not as disastrous as how my friends' accounts of it.

p.s. as my friend hasn't emailed me yet of the photo's from the creek last night, it'll have to go to another blog post.

*this is being said in a nice way.


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