
vacation, books, and the start of a new life

Most of the Filipinos in Dubai are going on vacation!!! How come?! Most of the Europeans had their time last summer.

I also would like to get mine except that I just started to work (technically speaking). I have been here for 3 months and a week now and I am thinking of getting some time off from work this winter, that would be most wonderful.

I haven't had a decent vacation this year!!! Waah!!! Although the biggest trade off would be that in a span of 9 months, I have stayed in 5 countries, beat that! Due to my travels, I still haven't finished the book that I have held in my hand for almost a year now.


I bought a couple of books from a uniquely conceptualised store. Buy a book, read it, bring it back and you get 1/2 the price of the amount you paid. I'm keeping the books I bought, and they were really good buys since the quality is "like new" and yet a lot of dirhams have been slashed off the price.

New acquisitions: another copy of Whirlwind by James Clavell, and The Zahir by Paolo Coelho


by this time, things are starting to pick up. debts will soon be paid, a bike will be parked at the lawn (if you can call it that), more german learning materials, and take urban design studies seriously. oh la la, God is good, especially to those who are patient.


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