
Glück in jemanden verliebt sein

it feels like Easter but it is just the end of Christmas!
just like what the Easter song goes...

"... darkness is gone forever, darkness is gone forever!"


i woke up very early this morning, quite unusual for me since i never get up before 8am for about 6 months now. lalo na on sundays because i normally get up by 9.30am again lalo na if i sleep later than 12 midnight. it is refreshing. the fog is thick and the wind is strong outside but who cares? i feel good. so i got up prepared breakfast for everyone, brewed some fresh coffee, set-up the table, all the works.

it just feels like the battery's new. recharged. like nothing can stop me now. :-)

how i wish everyone in the world can be this happy. no complaints no matter how much suffering one can have. if everyone in the world would have the peace i am experiencing now, my prayer of having world peace is granted!

how long im going to stay up like this? as long as it takes. :-) it doesn't matter. only the present moment matters!

it is 7.30 now. i wonder what time i would wake up my familyhood?

hmm... maybe later. sige (hihi) i'll just have my morning walk first!

cheers to you lot! wish you all life, happiness and peace.


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