
e.rose & keyboards

i missed mr potter in the big screen. such a loser. but amidst all the christmas huha, i saw the exorcism of emily rose this evening. like there was much of a choice. my friends (the gen of the school) already saw the king of kongs last weekend (as if i would watch that myself). but between that and the exorcism, i think i'd pick king kong instead.

the film was quite, well, ... ok it was a bit of a suspense but not really. nothing would beat "the exorcist" as the best film of that genre. this film however is interesting as a courtroom scene is introduced and played a major part in the story.


after having bought my new keyboard a couple of months ago, i have had 2 replacements already. i guess having a really cool keyboard doesn't pay much. the first one had a set of keys that doesnt work. most of them on the left side of the keyboard. imagine CADDing without the escape key. sheesh. so i had that replaced with the same model. after a couple of weeks, it presented another problem. the up cursor just seems to be depressed all the time. imagine typing something and all your words appear on all the previous lines. that was crazy. so now i decided to get another one without the perks of the previous keyboard.

by the way, it was a headset ready keyboard by A4 tech. nothing too fancy. slim design, ergo (anti-rsi), with media keys on it, plus the feature which made me buy that was the headset, mic and USB 2.0 ports that are attached to it. quite handy if you use the mic, earphones and other usb paraphernalia.

the a4 keyboard
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now im using a genius keyboard, still with the slim design (wala na kasing ibang model na available sa shop) mejo cramped sya. the cursor part, the quick navigation part (home, end, etc) and the printscreen set are all cramped with the main board with no space between it and the numpad. my fingers now miss the delete, home and end key positions. but it still has the media function of my previous keyboard and quite a few other perks like internet navigation, quick launch of most used office programs like the browser, email client, calculator and my computer. well, so far so good. hopefully this will be my last change item as the transportation cost gets unjust for this equipment.

the genius keyboard (sorry for the lack of a better photo)
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi punx! merry xmas!

so how's the keyboard? lamo.. kmi at the office had a really bad exprience with the genius keyboards and mouse(the wireless type). sira na in a few weeks. totally unreliable. anyhow, hope you find yours ok.

6:01 PM  
Blogger punx said...

hi nins! merry christmas din! wala ka pang comments page nor tagboard kaya di ako nakabati :-) anyway my keyboard is still ok so far. mejo hassle lang ung positions ng home, end, delete, insert + the cursor keys. well, i think i just have to adjust nalang. :) how was your christmas?

6:40 PM  

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