
nag "opera" knb

hi guys, recently, i've been browsing through PC World's 100 best products of 2005 and I stumbled upon this new (or at least to me) browser. It's called Opera.

much as i enjoyed using mozilla firefox since the early part of this year. this browser has its own perks... yeah, more perks and as the review says it loads faster than IE 6 or the Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7 which i am using. I am still in the process of discerning which browser would best suit my needs.

These are the things that Opera has to brag about. My comments are in parenthesis.
  • Opera has a cleaner look (much like some selected skins of Mozilla Firefox or MFF)
  • Tabs & pop-up blocking (which they claim started from them even before MFF)
  • integrated search button (just like MFF)
  • more security (i think it has more security than IE or MFF)
  • Speed (ok, i dont seem to get the difference yet between MFF but it is definitely faster than IE. check their website for the speed test details)
  • Password manager (all browsers seem to have this)
  • Customization (it has more user controlled settings than IE & MFF)
  • pages fit window width. (there's a zoom control which is readily available on the menu area which comes in very handy for the super big sized pages/pictures or the super small sized text.)
  • it has voice command (pretty neat huh)
  • it has mouse gestures (just like handwriting gestures in your Palm)
  • built in mail client (can be activated/deactivated at will)
  • etc.
anyway, so there's my two cents worth for this product. honestly i think it is good. but i still use the other 2 browsers just because not all pages are made to be viewed for different platforms. much like the editing tools for yahoo mail doesnt work with MFF and blogging editing tools for blogger doesnt work with Opera. As of the moment, i made Opera my default browser. Let's just see how much switching is needed before i make my final choice.


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