

last night somebody made a request that i "improve" a certain site development due today. sad thing is it is for free. stayed up till 3.30am. nonetheless, i was able to help a person in need. i am happy. some loose change wouldn't hurt though.

people are rushing now... everything is being rushed. end of the year madness... christmas lists... (which i havent started), construction, trips here and there, home decoration, artworks, even my reading is rushed. so many deadlines... there's not enough time to take a long break specially if you're the boss. oh well, the price that one has to pay for some perks.

i wonder if things are the same down there at 0 degrees latitude of the southern hemisphere.

and then hopefully there's a cool project coming soon. im excited already. haha!

the painting is done but it is not ripe yet for posting here in the blog universe. i'd rather that it arrives its destination first before it hits the net.

oh then i got a pretty cool acquisition at the ukay last Sunday. its a coat. less than €2,00 for a freakin' coat! yeah! Just apt for the weird weather here in the mountains... the wind is quite icy already. its probably around 5-10 degrees here.

then a very significant conversation happened... small steps... small steps... but we'll get there.

happiness is in knowing the secret in life. if there is something that i wish for all of you this Christmas, its that you all would know this. life is good. happy am i.

this is really a quickie post... hahaha... my thoughts are just too random. anyway cheers to you lot!


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