

(please make a mental note that what you are about to read is not based on what the world would normally understand as love.)

recently i read a very beautiful article (it is actually a meditation) on how one person should love. it is so super that it has been staying in my head for more than a couple of days and i couldnt think less of it. it is like being in love amplified a hundred times more. this post is how i would paraphrase it. as how i understood it. i hope i do it justice.

it is a love that is based on Love. Capital L. this is going to be a bit supernatural so please hang-on to your seats for this would be floating a bit in the air. hopefully, i could anchor it to the ground.

So how should a person love? the premise here is that God is Love and that we are created in His likeness. We are also created to be like Him. Though creatures we are, we are capable of having the same kind of love that God has. medically speaking it is written in the DNA of each person's soul. it is why we feel happy when we truly Love which also means that we suffer if we dont.

let me expound here a bit. God loves us immensely. it hasn't any conditions, any form. it means He would love us whether we love Him back or not. mathematically it would equate to 1/0 or infinity, without bounds and limits. a bit hard to comprehend. even our mathematicians and philosophers have marvelled so much with the concept of infinity. but as it is, we are but mere creatures and we are still bound by space and time so we still have our limits. but God doesnt.

so what am i driving at? since we have in our DNA this capacity to love like Him, what we need to do is go beyond our space, our form, and love beyond our mental, physical, psychological and social shells. we could and should love without limits to find true happiness. because of our enslavement in our weakness, the development of the human mind sets the parameters on how to love. we sway from what we are created to be. thus we suffer and we feel pain.

let me state a very concrete example. i would love a person hoping that that person would love me back. here we have the concept of the ego, where everything is centered on the self. more often than not the ego imposes how we should love. that becomes our form. our ego is shaped by our society and it dictates our social behavior as to give or accept love. since God is way beyond society and ego, his love is infinite. if we let love penetrate beyond the walls of our ego, thats when true love happens.

to be more visual i'll state an ad as an example (hopefully you have seen lots of tv ads for hair care here in the Philippines). The ad shows a girl with long black and silky hair getting the attention of another girl's guy. the girlfriend starts to imagine things and would prefer that his guy's attention would all be hers. it is just a simple example that what the media shows is that love should be centered on the self. and by being "beautiful" with long black hair, you will be lovable. if love is real, the girl wouldnt mind that her guy would notice other girls since her love is freely given and it is unconditional. that ad would have been different if it would portray that real love.

ok, there's really so much of philosophy there. but it is more than a philosophical exercise. it is beyond the mind. if Love was so easy to comprehend, we would have understood God easily. it is enough to know that we are like Him. we could love like Him. we could imitate His way's of loving. if we "love" and feel free in doing so, we are Love.

another aspect of this love is suffering. i've mentioned above that we suffer if we dont Love. so this means that we create our own sufferings. it is not because somebody hurts us or God doesnt love us that we suffer. on the contrary, if we are so bound to Him, we wouldnt be free to do what we want to do. God is so free in loving that he doesnt feel the hurt if we dont love Him back. He continues on loving. the logic here is God created us in a certain way. to Love like him. if we dont Love because of our freedom, we suffer. nobody wants to suffer so our answer to suffering is Loving.

i dont know if i have grounded what i wanted to say. i still feel that it is floating, but Love cannot really be expressed in words no matter how long i write about it. i just want to invite everybody to try doing it. imagine a world that is free because everybody loves without bounds. no more suffering because there are no limits, no conditions.

so instead of understanding that Love = 1/0, i would just start Loving now. formlessly.

who is with me?


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