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When I was a kid, I had a pillow named Tambuchi. I loved it very much. It was as big as me then. It had pretty cool colors and a very nice pattern. It had a very dark brown pillowcase. I could never sleep without it. I used to do something with the corner ends of Tambuchi with my thumb nail that would eventually make me sleep. I still do now! hahaha...

When I started attending school, Tambuchi became a ragged pillow after so much use. Then they (my parents) had to throw it away or stock it up the closet for it was getting disgusting. It was pretty devastating for me then. Probably my first recorded experience of loss <mula nang magkamalay tao ako> . I had to detach. Imagine, my pillow, far away and never to be seen again. My nights were lonely and I had to get used to a lonely bed. The price of growing up.

Fast forward to 16th of August 2005, today.

Imagine the smile that seemed stuck to my face when I found a very large pillow on my bed after coming home from the Mass. Tambuchi came back! All grown up! 510mm x 1370mm! Just like before!

I guess, nights wouldn't be as lonely as before. Probably I'll be getting more sleep now that Tambuchi is here with me.

Gute nacht.

zzz zz.. zz... ... .


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