
fast track

I've been working all day and night for the past two weeks and it has drained my "powers". Imagine doing 3 projects in 2 months time! Geez... and a magazine to layout on top of that!

So I've been living a fast track life again. Just like the good ol' university days. When a deadline is a deadline and beating it seems facing the impossible.

I would probably be needing a week of rest to get my normal system configuration back. Catch up on my reading materials and with sandman. I wish I still have the time like I had during my pre-school days where my mind would just wander to a world beknownst only to my fantasy. I guess those were the most creative moments of my mind.

Going back to press time, I really wish people would understand how things would run better when things are not rushed, preferably in a more relaxed manner, and that at the end of the day, its not just about money or the ecstasy of being able to accomplish things but the how things are done.

Man, I guess I drank more coffee than usual to get past this work load. I hope I'll be back to drinking my cup of tea soon.


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